Friday, March 18, 2016

IDT problem Removing Strange Static Noises from Screen Recording and Audio Recording

I have made a few video tutorials, but for almost all of them the sound recording is very bad. The audio is full of strange static noise. This solution works for me but I don't know if it will work for you, but its worth a try. This solution should work for DELL laptops with IDT installed. Because the real culprit here is IDT. But if realtek is causing similar problem you can try to disable it and see if it works.

If you are making a video tutorial then this is a must because nobody wants to hear this kind of sound. Link to my previous tutorials with very bad recording because of IDT.

My first thought was that there was a problem with my headset. So, I tried with two other headsets and those didn't solve the problem either. Then I thought there was a problem with the laptop. Finally, for some reason I decided to stop IDT and like magic almost all the strange static noise was gone.

Some Failed Solutions:

I have tried audacity and other audio tools to remove that noise and partially succeeded. But then came a new problem when exporting only the audio from the video in "*.wav" format the file became huge. For example, if my video file was 70mb the audio exported became almost 400mb.

Another option was to export to mp3. This has another kind of problem after removing the noise to certain degree the file becomes compressed. The timeline of the video no longer matches with the audio.


Video Tutorial:

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